Wednesday, 24 April 2013

A Theory of Light and Shade

There are different values on the cloth in the drawing as a light is being shone on it from the right. The different vales in the drawing give it depth and volume as it is a 3 dimensional object on a 2d surface. The technique chiaroscuro describes how light and dark tones can give an object a depth and volume. The light creates a cast shadow on the wall as it is being blocked by the cloth and there is a contrast of the values on the cloth and the wall. There is no true black in the drawing as light is being reflected around the room and some of it goes through the cloth. Since the light source is close to the cloth the cast shadow does not have less defined edges. There are also form shadows on the cloth as some parts are not facing ht light and therefore a shadow is created. This gives the cloth depth and volume and since there is only one light source only one cast shadow is cast. This is a 25 minute drawing using charcoal to show light and dark values.

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